Growing at the Speed of Life - A Year in the Life of My First Kitchen Garden

(Michael S) #1


Height: 4–8"

Width: 6–1 2 "

Depth: 18"

Annual/Cool Season
Wat e r : Light to moderate; irrigation from ground
Sun : Full; partial shade in hot weather
Companion Planting :
pro: All vegetables except broccoli
con: Broccoli
Pests : Aphids, beet leafhoppers, slugs, snails
Diseases : Bacterial soft rot, mildews
Notes : For all but spring mix, gather outer leaves fi rst.
When a core stem forms, remove the plant. Use scissors
to cut 2 inches above the roots and let the plant regrow.
Soil: Well-drained (kept moist) sandy loam; well com­
posted 3 months before planting
Fertilizer: High nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus
with extra bonemeal; fish emulsion every 2 weeks
pH: 6.0–6.8
Varieties :
iceberg (crisphead): Great Lakes, Rouge de
Grenobloise (resists bolting )

romaine (cos): Little Gem, Parris Island
butterhead (bibb): Limestone, Boston, Summer
Bibb (hot weather)
leaf: Green Ice, Red Sails
mesclun (spring mix): may include arugula, Bull’s
Blood beet, winter red, kale, Pink Petiole, mixed mus-
tard, Cherry Belle radish, salad burnett, and baby leaf
Zones : Can be planted in season in all zones.
Planting : Seed ¼–½ inch deep; 6–10 inches apart
aft er thinning
Germinates : 2–10 days
Harvest: Iceberg, 80–90 days; romaine, 80–85 days;
butterhead, 40–45 days; leaf, 40–50 days; mesclun,
30–40 days
Rotation: Don’t follow artichoke, radicchio, endive
Edible: Leaves

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