Growing at the Speed of Life - A Year in the Life of My First Kitchen Garden

(Michael S) #1
Height: 18"

Width: 12 "

Depth: 18"

Mustard Greens

Perennial/Annual/Cool Season
Wat e r : Keep soil moist, drip irrigation
Sun : Full, shade if over 80ºF
Companion Planting :
pro: Peas, beans, carrots, onions, spinach, lettuce, herbs
con: None
Pests : Aphids, fl ea beetles
Diseases : Mildew, white rust
Soil: Moist, richly composted
Fertilizer: High nitrogen, moderate phosphorus, po­
pH: 5.5–6.8

Varieties : Florida Broadleaf (mild), Osaka Purple
(quite robust), Tatsoi (spoon-shaped, dark green leaves)
Zones : 2–8
Planting : Seed ¼ inch deep in late summer (6–8
weeks before first frost) for winter harvest, 1 inch apart;
thin to 4–6 inches
Germinates : 4–6 days
Harvest: 30–40 days, when the inner leaves 3–4 inches
long (the outer/lower leaves make good compost)
Rotation: Don’t follow or precede other cabbage fam­
ily plants
Edible: Leaves

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