Growing at the Speed of Life - A Year in the Life of My First Kitchen Garden

(Michael S) #1

New Zealand Spinach

Height: 12 – 2 4"

Width: 12 – 3 6"

Depth: 10 – 2 4"

Annual/Hot Season
Wat e r : Evenly moist; water regularly for rapid, full
growth; do not let the soil dry out
Sun : Full; partial shade in afternoon in very hot climates
Companion Planting :
pro: Strawberries
con: Avoid planting in shade of tall plants, such as corn
or pole beans
Pests : None
Diseases : None
Soil: Prefers moisture-retentive, well-drained soil
rich in organic matter; prepare planting beds with aged
Fertilizer: Side-dress plants with compost at midseason

pH: 6.8–7.0
Varieties : Maori (the most commonly grown)
Zones : 6 and warmer
Planting : Seed ½ inch deep, and 1 inch apart, at
warm time of year. Indoors: 2–3 weeks before last frost
in spring for later transplanting ; thin to 3–4 inches. Sow
in the garden around the date of average last frost in
Germinates : 14–21 days
Harvest: From seed, 55–65 days
Rotation: Do not follow legumes
Edible: Leaves

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