Growing at the Speed of Life - A Year in the Life of My First Kitchen Garden

(Michael S) #1
Height: 2 4– 3 6"

Width: 6–8"
(room to lodge)

Depth: 8–1 2 "


Biennial/Annual/Cool Season
Wat e r : Medium/even, drip irrigation
Sun : Full
Companion Planting :
pro: Beets, cabbage, carrots, early lettuce, strawber­
ries, tomatoes
con: All beans, peas, sage
Pests : Japanese beetles, slugs, thrips, cutworms
Diseases : Botrytis, mildew, white rot
Soil: Well-drained, sandy; avoid heavy clay
Fertilizer: Mature compost; moderate nitrogen,
phosphorus, potassium; fish emulsion for early growth
(when 4–6 leaves appear), then every 2–3 weeks
pH: 6.0–6.8
Varieties :
long day (14–15 hours of light): Early Yellow
Globe, Sweet Spanish
short day (10–12 hours of light): Bermuda,
Grano Super Sweet
day neutral: Candy, Super Star (mild white),
Red Candy Apple (red)
celebrity onions (very sweet): Wa l l a Wa l l a ,
Plant Care: Check locally for the best advice on
suitable varieties, especially those that resist your local
Zones : 3–11
Planting : Indoors, 8 weeks before last frost; seed
¼–½ inch deep
Transplanting : For green onions/scallions, 1–2
inches apart; for bunching, 2–3 inches apart. If
started as seed (very small), the bulb will be larger and
store better. If using bulbs, use those under 1 inch in
Germinates : 4–12 days
Harvest: From seed, 80–120 days; from transplant,
30–40 days; from scallions from sets, 35 days
Rotation: Don’t plant in beds used by garlic
Edible: Bulb and leaves

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