Growing at the Speed of Life - A Year in the Life of My First Kitchen Garden

(Michael S) #1

Pa r s n i p

Height: 12 –1 5 "

Width: 4"

Depth: 10 "

Biennial/Annual/Cool Season
Wat e r : Moderate, drip irrigation
Sun : Partial shade (5 hours of sun a day)
Companion Planting :
pro: Bush beans, beets, carrots, other root vegetables
con: Tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage, kale
Pests : Army worms, nematodes, root maggots
Diseases : None
Soil: Sandy, humus-rich, no stones, double dig down to
18 inches
Fertilizer: Low nitrogen, low phosphorus, and potas­
pH: 6.0–6.8

Varieties : White Gem (will grow in any soil), Glad­
iator (particularly sweet), Cobham (ideal to leave in
ground over the winter unless you have really deep frost)
Zones : 3–10
Planting : Early summer for winter harvest; seed ¼–½
inch deep, 1 inch apart; thin to 3–4 inches
Germination: 5–28 days
Harvest: From seed, 95–120 days
Rotation: Don’t follow carrots, celery
Edible: Roots

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