Growing at the Speed of Life - A Year in the Life of My First Kitchen Garden

(Michael S) #1

more so since the Internet has provided us

with a whole new community of viewers

(many of whom have only the vague recol­
lections of their parents recounting the

tales of The Galloping Gourmet from the

1970s). Gradually it occurred to me that

there would be a book in all this. And it be­

came my intention that this book would not only be of value to the armchair

gardener but also serve as an introduction to gardening for the person who had
the wherewithal to pick up a spade and dig

into his or her own version of the south

lawn, be it a few square yards in a suburban

backyard, a couple of pots on a balcony in

the city, or an acre or so in the country.

But beyond sharing my back-to-the­
land experience with readers (along with

growing and cooking information for 60

or  so garden fruits and vegetables, which

makes up the bulk of this book), there are a

few other key elements in my quest to in­

form and entertain viewers and readers.
And, as a long-time student of food and

food culture, it would be remiss of me to

try  to convey not only the what of eating

healthfully but also the why. In other words,

I want to give you the ammunition to be­

come inspired to increase your own intake
of fruits and vegetables from that low point

of 3.5 to 9–11 per day.

For many readers, the health benefi ts

of simply eating fresh and organic may be

So what if some of my store-bought,
“fresh” produce was picked 7 days ago
and then trucked over 1,000 miles to be
sorted and distributed and stored and
finally put out on display? Food loses
its  ability to nourish my body every
hour after it leaves the soil. How do I
feel about the possible 151 hours during
which the food that I am eating has
been losing its value?
And how do I respond to the idea
that modern transcontinental or even
transglobal transportation of produce,
shipped off-season, is a major contribu­
tor to global warming? Is my off-season
shopping increasing my personal car -
bon footprint?
Answer: I could grow my own and
enjoy the enormous nutritional benefi ts
of eating that food within 1 hour after
harvesting. And I can contribute to cut­
ting back on agribusiness’s need for oil
as well as my own trips to the market.

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