Growing at the Speed of Life - A Year in the Life of My First Kitchen Garden

(Michael S) #1

Squash (Summer)

Height: 12 –1 5 "

Width: 3 6"

Depth: 12 "

Wat e r : Heavy, drip irrigation
Sun : Full
Companion Planting :
pro: Celery, corn, onions, radishes, peas, beans
con: Potatoes, pumpkins
Pests : Squash vine borers, squash bugs
Diseases : Mildews
Soil: Rich with humus and compost, good drainage
Fertilizer: High nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium
pH: 5.5–6.8
Varieties :
zucchini: Gold Rush, Space Master, Eight Ball (the
latter is really odd: normally green but as round as a pool

scallop/pattypan: Sunburst, Starship
crookneck (yellow): Saffron, Horn of Plenty
Zones : 3–7 (for bush varieties); 6–10 (for vines)
Planting : Outdoors, when soil temperature reaches
70ºF; indoors, 3–4 weeks before last frost (2 seeds per
2-inch pot); seed ½–1 inch deep, 12–18 inches apart;
thin to 36 inches
Germinates : 7–10 days
Harvest: From seed, 50–60 days
Rotation: Don’t follow winter squash, cucumbers,
Edible: Fruit

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