Growing at the Speed of Life - A Year in the Life of My First Kitchen Garden

(Michael S) #1

Squash (Winter)

Height: 12 –1 5 "

Width: 3 6"

Depth: 12 – 2 4"

Wat e r : Heavy, drip irrigation
Sun : Full
Companion Planting :
pro: Celery, corn, onions, beans, peas
con: Cabbage family, potatoes
Pest: Aphids, cucumber beetles, borers
Diseases : Mildews (downy and powdery)
Soil: Sandy loam, good drainage
Fertilizer: Compost well; high in nitrogen, moderate
in phosphorus and potassium; nitrogen only up until
fl owers appear
pH: 6.5–7.0
Varieties :
Acorn: Heart of Gold, Tuff y

Butternut: Long Island Cheese
Kurl: Uchiki Kuri
Hubbard: Blue Ballet Delicata (small and sweet)
Spaghetti squash
Zones : 3–10
Planting : Indoors, 3–4 weeks before last frost; seed
½–1 inch deep; transplant when soil is 65ºF minimum
to 2–3 inches; thin to 2–3 feet
Germinates : 4–10 days
Harvest: From seed, 60–100 days; from transplant,
60–80 days
Rotation: Don’t follow summer squash, melon
Edible: Fruit

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