Growing at the Speed of Life - A Year in the Life of My First Kitchen Garden

(Michael S) #1
Height: 6–8"

Width: 12 "

Depth: 2 "


Wat e r : Moderate, drip irrigation
Sun : Full to partial shade
Companion Planting :
pro: Melons
con: Broccoli, cabbage family
Pests : Birds and mice
Diseases : Botrytis fruit rot, leaf scorch
Soil: Well drained, acidic
Fertilizer: Light nitrogen, phosphorus, and potas­
sium; don’t overfeed—tends to produce excessive
growth that can lead to fruit rot
pH: 5.5–7.0
Varieties :
everbearing (day neutral): Alexandria, Fort
Laramie, Quinault (early summer through autumn)

single crop: Allstar, Benton, Earliglow (late spring,
early summer)
cultivated wild: Yellow Alpine, Pineapple Cross,
Zones : 3–10
Planting : Indoors, 8 weeks before setting out in spring ;
outdoors, after last frost; seed ⅛–¼ inch deep; crowns,
just above soil level; 12–14 inches apart
Germination: 7–14 days
Harvest: June through September on West Coast;
June to July on East Coast
Rotation: Don’t follow beet, corn, tomato, pepper, pea
Edible: Fruit

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