Growing at the Speed of Life - A Year in the Life of My First Kitchen Garden

(Michael S) #1

applied. While there is a sacrifice, there is also the ample reward as the seed breaks

open and new life appears and grows and grows—at times I’ve found it almost

breathtaking... and yet it is slow, and it demands my patience and commitment.
I’ve described this for myself and others as the speed of life. And I’ve adjusted

to that speed in my own day-to-day habits, and in many ways I’ve stopped trying

to win the race with a competitive drive. It’s enough for me that I can, with greater

confidence, see a race—or way of life—marked out for me, and if I persevere and

run it patiently, then I may be able to finish well, if not to fi nish first or even try

to do so!

The Benefit to the Body

I’ve been on a consistent search for the past 38 years.

It’s not for the fountain of youth (I have no illusions
about life’s normal course); however, it has seemed only

reasonable to want to be well enough to celebrate life

and its opportunities for as long as possible.

So my search has been for my wife, Treena, who has

been sick and wants to be well, and for myself, who is well

and doesn’t want to be sick. We have become partners in
purpose where our goals overlap: simple, reasonable wellness.

I must now have read at least 600 research papers on the subject and fol­

lowed the relevant nutritional and behavioral sciences closely. Everywhere I see a

consistency—not in percentages of fats to calories and the like, which always

seem to move up and down, albeit slightly, but in the apparent widespread ben­

efits of the freshest and best (most natural and sustainable) vegetables and fruits.
The more, it seems, the merrier!

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