Growing at the Speed of Life - A Year in the Life of My First Kitchen Garden

(Michael S) #1


Height: 12 – 2 4"

Width: 8–18"

Depth: 8–1 2 "

Annual/Warm Season
Wat e r : Light
Sun : Full
Companion Planting :
pro: Tomatoes, peppers
con: Cucumbers, snap beans
Pests : Slugs, snails
Diseases : Botrytis
Soil: Rich humus
Fertilizer: Low feeder
pH: 6.0–6.5

Varieties : Genovese (green leaf ), Dark Opal (purple
leaf ), and a wide variety of scented culinary basil, in­
cluding lemon and cinnamon
Zones : 4–10
Planting : Seed ⅛ inch deep, 10 inches apart
Germinates : 7–14 days
Harvest: 50–60 days
Rotation: Don’t follow marjoram or oregano (keep
them apart in the bed)
Edible: Leaves

BASIL • 263
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