Growing at the Speed of Life - A Year in the Life of My First Kitchen Garden

(Michael S) #1


Height: 12 – 3 6"

Width: 14–48"

Depth: 2 "

Wat e r : Moist but not soaked
Sun : Full
Companion Planting :
pro: Peppers, tomatoes
con: None
Pests : Aphids
Diseases : Verticillium wilt
Soil: Common garden soil is fi ne
Fertilizer: Low feeder
pH: 6.0–7.0
Varieties : Apple mint (Variegata), pineapple mint,

golden apple mint, Vietnamese mint (good for food),
chocolate mint, bergamot (orange) mint
Zones : 5–9
Planting : Seed ¼ inch deep in spring ; from root stem­
tip cuttings in water or moist soil, spring to summer
Germinates : 7–10 days (seeds)
Harvest: 60 days
Rotation: Permanent (sometimes you wish it was
Edible: Leaves

MINT • 269
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