Growing at the Speed of Life - A Year in the Life of My First Kitchen Garden

(Michael S) #1

Basic Recipes


he following section includes the basic recipes, including the ingredients
for my Ethmix spice mixtures. In addition, I have included recipes for sev­
eral whole-grain/starch dishes—even though they cannot be grown in a
kitchen garden—because they are integral to a completely well-balanced diet.


The apparent lack of time has become a
very real factor for the survival of cooking
from scratch and has promoted the in­
creasing availability of convenience and
processed foods.
As a result, over my many years of cre­
ating recipes, I have been advised by my
editors and publishers to limit the number

of ingredients in any recipe to eight or so.
My problem with this goal is that I seek to
replace large amounts of salt, fat, sugar,
and refi ned starch with layers of taste,
aroma, color, and texture, and for this I use
a variety of herbs, spices, and citrus, which
pushes the number of ingredients in most
recipes beyond the critical eight!
As an alternative, I chose to combine
the following enhancers into just one in­
gredient, which I call an Ethmix (for “eth­
nic mixtures,” such as the famed Herbes

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