Growing at the Speed of Life - A Year in the Life of My First Kitchen Garden

(Michael S) #1

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Page numbers in italics indicate illustrations. Artichokes, Asparagus, and Peas with Strawberry Banana Fruit Leather
Tarragon (recipe), 69–70 (recipe), 247

Adventist Health Study-2, 13
basic preparation, 66, 68
Banks, Sir Joseph, 192

agribusiness, 5, 14–15 Herb Broiled Artichokes (recipe), 70
Barley with Leeks (recipe), 292

air for compost, 40, 41
Pasta Primavera (recipe), 70–71 basic recipes, 286–94
Akaba, 72
arugula (Eruca vericaria sativa, domestic), Barley with Leeks (recipe), 292

Albert, Stephen, 33, 57, 76, 248
72–75, 73
Boil ’N’ Steam Brown Rice (recipe), 293

alcohol as fl avor enhancer, 48
Arugula Salad with Yogurt Goat Cheese Couscous (recipe), 293

Allium cepa. See onion Dressing (recipe), 74
Ethmix recipes, 286–88
Allium porrum. See leek Arugula Wrap (recipe), 74
grains and starches, 292–94
Allium sativum. See garlic Grilled Fish on a Bed of Bitter Greens Italian Bread with Olives and Rosemary
Allium schoenoprasum, A. tuberosum (chive), (recipe), 74–75 (recipe), 289–90
264–65, 265
Asia, 108, 188
Lentils in a Cumin-Flavored Broth
Almonds, Pea Salad with Curry and Asian Snow Pea Salad (recipe), 208
(recipe), 294

(recipe), 209
asparagus (Asparagus offi cinalis), Pie Crust (recipe), 289

American Community Gardening 76–79, 77
Quinoa (recipe), 294

Association, 297
Artichokes, Asparagus, and Peas with Vegetable Stock (recipe), 288

Angelica Kitchen, New York City, 199
Tarragon (recipe), 69–70 Yogurt Cheese (recipe), 290–91
annuals, 58
Chilled Steamed Asparagus (recipe), See also growing a kitchen garden; specifi c
antibiotics for fungal diseases, 301
fruits and vegetables
antioxidants, 184
Cold Asparagus Salad (recipe), 79
basil (Ocimum basilicum), 27, 260,
aphids, 39, 270, 302
Sesame Grilled Asparagus (recipe), 262–63, 263

Apium graveolens var. dulce. See celery 78–79 beans (Phaseolus spp.), 80–83, 81 , 236

apple, 62–65, 63
Au Bon Accueil in Paris, 218
Bean Dip with a Kick (recipe), 82

Apple and Pear Crisp (recipe), 64
Augustus (Emperor of Rome), 176
Jerusalem Artichokes with Hot Black
Baked Apples (recipe), 64–65 automatic overhead ventilation panels, 43
Bean Salsa (recipe), 159

Celeriac Apple Salad (recipe), 114–15 Leek, Bean, and Spinach Soup (recipe),
Kale and Apple Soup (recipe), 162
Baby Bok Choy, Steamed (recipe), 90
Tarte Tatin (recipe), 65
Baby Squash Sauté (recipe), 238
pod beans, 80–81, 81

apple mint (Mentha suaveolens), 268–69, Baked Apples (recipe), 64–65 Senate Bean Soup (recipe), 82

Baked Sweet Onions (recipe), 198
shell (horticultural) beans, 80–81, 81

Arizona, 248
Baked Sweet Potato Mousse (recipe), 250
Southwest Swiss Chard and Bean Soup
Artemisia dracunculus (tarragon), 282–83, balanced vs. enjoyable cooking results, 47
(recipe), 118–19
Bali Ethmix (recipe), 287
String Wing Bean Salad (recipe), 83

arthritis caution, 140, 216
Balsamic Sauce (recipe), 255
See also fava beans (Vicia faba)
artichokes (Cynara scolymus), 66–71, 67
bananas béarnaise, 282

Artichoke Omelet (recipe), 68–69 serving size, 11, 11
beer for pest control, 38, 39

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