Growing at the Speed of Life - A Year in the Life of My First Kitchen Garden

(Michael S) #1

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Southwest Swiss Chard and Bean Soup Colorful Mashed Potatoes (recipe), 219 coronary (heart) disease, 2, 3, 8, 12
(recipe), 118–19 community, sharing harvest with, 4, 46, cos (Romaine) lettuce, 176
Steamed Swiss Chard (recipe), 118 295–96, 295–97 cottonseed meal, 59
Wilted Winter Salad (recipe), 119 community supported agriculture (CSA), cotyledons “coties,” 32, 32
Charley’s Greenhouse, 4, 43 13 Couscous (recipe), 293
cheese companion planting, 59, 236 Couscous with Peppers (recipe), 212–13
flavor enhancer, 48–49 composting, 18, 29, 36, 39 , 39–41, 59, 60 cream as flavor enhancer, 48–49
Mâche, Goat Cheese, and Blueberry compost tea, 59 Cream of Lettuce Soup (recipe), 178
Salad (recipe), 182 controlling pests and diseases, 18, 38–39, Crisp, Apple and Pear (recipe), 64
Yogurt Cheese (recipe), 290–91 299–302 Crusades, 282
Yogurt Goat Cheese Dressing (recipe), convenience foods vs. growing a kitchen Crust, Pie (recipe), 289
74 garden, 8, 14 Crustless Spinach Ricotta Quiche (recipe),
Cheesecake, Butternut Squash Ginger Cook, Captain, 192 234
(recipe), 242–43 cooking methods, 47–56 CSA (community supported agriculture),
chickpeas (Cicer arietinum), 120–23, 121 balanced vs. enjoyable results, 47 13
Bella Bella Beans (recipe), 201 blanching (parboiling ), 49–50 cucumber (Cucumis sativus), 136–39, 137
Hummus (recipe), 122 boiling, 50, 50 Cucumber Raita Salad (recipe), 138
Roasted Chickpea Snack (recipe), 122 braising , 53–54 Cucumber Salad with Tomatoes (recipe),
Upside-Down Chickpea Pie (recipe), 123 challenges in, 47–48 138
Chihili. See Napa cabbage (Brassica rapa var. deep-frying, 56, 56 Salmon with Cucumber Sauce (recipe),
pekinensis) drip-stewing , 51 138–39
children and growing a kitchen garden, 304 dry cooking methods, 47 Szechuan Cucumber Salad (recipe), 139
chiles (Capsicumfr utescens), 124–27, 125 enjoyable vs. balanced results, 47 Cucurbita maxima, C. moschata. See squash,
Chiliquiles (recipe), 126–27 fats, added, 48 , 48–49 winter
Stuffed Mild Chiles (recipe), 126 flavor enhancers, 47–48, 48 , 56 Cucurbita pepo. See squash, summer
Chilled Steamed Asparagus (recipe), 78 how to cook vs. recipes, 47 Culinary Studies at Johnson and Wales
China, 51, 188, 206 microwaving , 52 University, 100
Chinese broccoli (kai lan), 92 moist cooking methods, 47 Cumin-Flavored Broth, Lentils in a (recipe),
Chinese Mustard Green Soup (recipe), 186 poële, 53 294
Chinese New Year Fresh Fish and Vegetable recipes vs. how to cook, 47 curly leafed parsley (Petroselinum crispum),
Soup (recipe), 190 roasting, 47, 52, 54 274–75, 275
Chioggia Beets, Roasted (recipe), 87 saturated fats, 48 , 48–49 Curry and Almonds, Pea Salad with
chive (Allium schoenoprasum, A. tuberosum), sautéing (shallow frying ), 53, 54–55, 55 (recipe), 209
264–65, 265 seasonings, 49 “cut and come again,” 88
chlorophyll, 160 slurry, 54 Cynara scolymus. See artichokes
chocolate mint (Mentha x piperita starch additions caution, 54, 56
“Chocolate”), 268 steaming, 47, 50–51, 51 dahl, 292
cholesterol levels, 12 stir-frying, 55–56 daily inspection, importance of, 38, 39
Chowder, Corn (recipe), 134–35 stocks (vegetable), 50, 53, 56, 288–89 daily servings of fruits and vegetables, 2–3,
Cicer arietinum. See chickpeas taste, aroma, color, and texture (TACT), 5, 10–12, 10–12
cilantro (Coriandrum sativum), 266–67, 47, 172, 290 damage control, pests and diseases, 18,
267 thermal (hay box) cooking, 53 38–39, 299–302
Citrus limon. See lemon timers, 51, 51 dandelions, 4
Clearwater Country Foods (Genesee, treat/threat, 48, 132 Daucus carota var. sativus. See carrots
Idaho), 120 See also basic recipes; growing a kitchen deep-frying, 56, 56
cloche, 58 garden; specifi c fruits and vegetables deer, control, 25–26, 26 , 38, 38 , 260
Clostridium botulinum, 282 cool season plants, 59 depth of plants, 30, 59, 60
Coco-Coir, 23, 27, 30, 44 Coriandrum sativum (cilantro), 266–67, Dessert, Molded Rhubarb Strawberry
Cold Asparagus Salad (recipe), 79 267 (recipe), 227
Coleman, Eliot, 176 corn salad. See mâche (Valerianella locusta) dessert, serving sizes, 11, 11
coleworts, 128 corn (Zea mays var. rugosa), 132–35, 133 , determinates, 59
collards (Brassica oleracea var. acephala), 236 diabetes, 2, 3, 8, 13
128–31, 129 Corn Chowder (recipe), 134–35 Dill, Sautéed Shredded Carrots with
Collards with a Spicy Twist (recipe), 130 Corn on the Cob in the Husk (recipe), (recipe), 107
Southern Japanese Miso and Sweet 134 Dill and Lemon, Sautéed Mushrooms with
Potato Soup (recipe), 131 Tomato and Sweet Corn with Balsamic (recipe), 174–75
Steamed Collards (recipe), 130 Sauce (recipe), 255 Dioscorea (yam), 248

INDEX • 307
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