Growing at the Speed of Life - A Year in the Life of My First Kitchen Garden

(Michael S) #1

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generally regarded as safe (GRAS) Oak Harbor, British Columbia, Canada, 226 Pear and Apple Crisp (recipe), 64
chemicals, 21 Obama, Barack (President), 12 peas (Pisum sativum), 206–9, 207
greenhouses, 18, 29, 35, 39, 41, 42–46, Obama, Michelle (First Lady), 4 Artichokes, Asparagus, and Peas with
42–46, 303 obesity, 2, 3, 8 Tarragon (recipe), 69–70
hardening off , 33 Ocimum basilicum (basil), 27, 260, 262–63, Asian Snow Pea Salad (recipe), 208
heirloom seeds, 28 263 boiling, 50, 50
killing existing turf, 21 oil/gas consumption, 13, 14 Green Pea Dip with Salsa (recipe), 208–9
local knowledge, 18, 22, 28–29, 34, 35, Olives and Rosemary, Italian Bread with Pea Salad with Curry and Almonds
36–37, 38, 43, 45, 57 (recipe), 289–90 (recipe), 209
low-input sustainable agriculture (LISA), Olympic Games (2008, Beijing, China), 7 Risi Bisi (recipe), 209
21, 300 Omelet, Artichoke (recipe), 68–69 peat moss, 36
micronutrients, 20–21 OmniHeart Study, 3, 11 Peninsular Mountains, 43
misting, 30, 34 onion (Allium cepa), 196–201, 197 peppers (Capsicum annuum), 210–15, 211
“natural,” 19, 20 Baked Sweet Onions (recipe), 198 Couscous with Peppers (recipe), 212–13
organic gardening, 19–21 Bella Bella Beans (recipe), 201 Mexican Stuffed Peppers (recipe), 213
pathways, 25 Caramelized Onions (recipe), 198 Multicolor Pepper Sauté (recipe), 214–15
pests and diseases, 18, 38–39, 299–302 East Village Potato and Onion Tart Red, Yellow, and Green Pasta (recipe),
planting depth, 30, 59, 60 (recipe), 199–201 213–14
raised beds, 4, 18, 24–26, 24–26, 32 Sautéed Onions (recipe), 199 Roasted Eggplant and Red Pepper
references and resources, 303–4 Sweating the Onion (recipe), 198 Sandwich (recipe), 143
rototilling, 22, 22 , 23 orange mint (bergamot mint), 268 Roasted Red Pepper Soup (recipe), 214
seasonal replanting, 18, 41–42 Orange Reduction (recipe), 87 roasting, 212
seed germination and “starts,” 1, 18, 24, oregano (Origanum vulgare, O. x hirtum), Spinach-Stuffed Red Bell Peppers
28–31, 29–31, 59 272–73, 273 (recipe), 215
soil, 17, 18–21, 23, 36, 301–2 organic gardening, 19–21 See also chiles (capsicumfr utescens)
technolog y support caution, 37–38 organic substances, 60 perennials, 60
thinning, 33–34 organic vs. sustainability, 300 perfect produce, 299
transplanting, 18, 31, 32–33, 32–34 Origanum vulgare, O. x hirtum (oregano), persistent chemicals, 300
turf preparation and removal, 17, 21–23, 272–73, 273 Peru, 80, 248
22 osteocalcin, 116 pests and diseases, 18, 38–39, 299–302
watering , 18, 30, 30 , 31 , 33, 34–35, O’Toole, Peter, 72 See also specifi c fruits and vegetables
34–35, 40–41 oxalate caution, 84, 128, 164 Petroselinum crispum, Petroselinum crispum
wood and toxins, 41–42 var. neapolitanum (parsley), 274–75,
See also growing a kitchen garden; soil Pacific Northwest, U.S., 4, 23, 28, 34, 41, 275
neem oil for pest control, 39 43, 248 pe-tsai (Brassica rapa var. pekinensis), 88
New Zealand spinach (Tetragonia Pacific Northwest Ethmix (recipe), 287 Phaseolus spp. See beans
tetragonioides), 192–95, 193 Pan-Roasted Parsnips (recipe), 204 pheromones, 302
Hoppin’ John (recipe), 194 parboiling (blanching ), 49–50 pH of soil, 19, 36, 60, 301
Stir-Fried Mixed Greens (recipe), 195 parsley (Petroselinum crispum, Petroselinum Pho (recipe), 190–91
NHAMES (National Health and Nutrition crispum var. neapolitanum), 274–75, phosphorus (P), 60
Examination Survey 2001-2006), 2 275 photo-periodic plants, 196
nicotine for pest control, 39 parsnip (Pastinaca sativa), 202–5, 203 phyllo tips, 226–27
Nightshade family, 140, 216 basic preparation, 204 Pie Crust (recipe), 289
9 A Day program, 3, 11, 12, 12 Carrot and Parsnip Puree (recipe), 106 pies
nitrogen fi xation, 120 Pan-Roasted Parsnips (recipe), 204 Greek Pie (recipe), 148–49
nitrogen (N), 60 Thai Spiced Parsnips (recipe), 205 Meyer Lemon Pie (recipe), 174
Nonsuch Cottage, 3–4 pasta Upside-Down Chickpea Pie (recipe), 123
Nonsuch Poële (recipe), 166–67 Pasta Primavera (recipe), 70–71 Pisum sativum. See peas
North Africa, 84 Red, Yellow, and Green Pasta (recipe), planting depth, 30, 59, 60
Northern France Ethmix (recipe), 287 213–14 plastic for drying out soil, 23, 25
Northwest Italy Ethmix (recipe), 287 Spaghetti with Mustard Greens and Plum and Red Cabbage Salad (recipe), 103
nudge-nudge (law of intended Vegetarian Italian Sausage (recipe), pod beans, 80–81, 81
consequences), 10–11, 10–11, 12, 14 186–87 Poële, Fennel and Leek (recipe), 153
Nudge (Thaler and Sunstein), 12 Pastinaca sativa. See parsnip Poële, Nonsuch (recipe), 166–67
nutritional value of food (losing ), 5 pâté de foie gras (goose liver paste), 66 poële cooking method, 53
nutrition profi les, 57–58 pathways, 25 Poland Ethmix (recipe), 288
See also specifi c fruits and vegetables Pattypan, Steamed (recipe), 239 pollination, 61

INDEX • 311
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