Growing at the Speed of Life - A Year in the Life of My First Kitchen Garden

(Michael S) #1

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Yogurt Sauce (recipe), 162–63
See also dips; dressings; salsas
Sauté, Jerusalem Artichoke and Mushroom
(recipe), 158
Sauté Baby Squash (recipe), 238
Sauté Cabbage with Caraway (recipe), 103
Sautéed Kohlrabi (recipe), 166
Sautéed Mushrooms with Lemon and Dill
(recipe), 174–75
Sautéed Onions (recipe), 199
Sautéed Shredded Carrots with Dill
(recipe), 107
sautéing (shallow frying ), 53, 54–55, 55
Sauté Spinach on Rice (recipe), 234–35
Sauté Spring Vegetable (recipe), 223
Savoy Hotel, 216
Saxons, 168
scallions. See onion (Allium cepa)
Scandinavia Ethmix (recipe), 288
Scottish Irish Vegetable Stew (recipe),
Scoville, Wilbur, 124
Scoville Units (SU), 124
sea salt, 51, 53–54, 56
seasonal replanting, 18, 41–42
seasonings, 49
Seattle, Washington, 3
seed germination and “starts,” 1, 18, 24,
28–31, 29–31, 59
seed roots (slips), 248
Senate Bean Soup (recipe), 82
serendipity and Nonsuch Cottage, 4, 42
servings of fruits and vegetables per day,
2–3, 5, 10–12, 10–12
Sesame Grilled Asparagus (recipe), 78–79
sets of plants, 61
shallow frying (sautéing ), 53, 54–55, 55
Shanghai Coastline Ethmix (recipe), 288
sharing experiences of growing a kitchen
garden, 4–5
shell (horticultural) beans, 80–81, 81
Sherwood Forest, 128
Siberia, 278
side dressing, 61
silica, 136
Simmered Radishes (recipe), 222–23
Skagit Valley, 3, 43
slips (draws, seed roots), 248
slugs, 38
slurry, 54
small-scale farming, 13–14
Snack, Roasted Chickpea (recipe), 122
Snow Pea Salad, Asian (recipe), 208
sodium. See salt
drying out soil, 23, 25
fertile soil, 61

improving soil, 23, 36, 301–2
pH of soil, 19, 36, 60, 301
potting soil, 30, 44
runoff, 19, 23
sterilizing garden soil, 30
testing and runoff, 17, 18–21, 36
topsoil, 10, 18, 19
Solanum melongena. See eggplant
Solanum tuberosum. See potato
Sooke Soup (recipe), 162–63
Chinese Mustard Green Soup (recipe),
Chinese New Year Fresh Fish and
Vegetable Soup (recipe), 190
Cream of Lettuce Soup (recipe), 178
Fava Bean Soup (recipe), 147–48
Fava Bean Soup with Carrots (recipe),
Fresh Tomato Soup (recipe), 254
Kale and Apple Soup (recipe), 162
Kareena’s Soup Base (recipe), 230–31
Leek, Bean, and Spinach Soup (recipe),
Roasted Red Pepper Soup (recipe),
Senate Bean Soup (recipe), 82
Sooke Soup (recipe), 162–63
Southern Japanese Miso and Sweet
Potato Soup (recipe), 131
Southwest Swiss Chard and Bean Soup
(recipe), 118–19
South America, 292
Southern France Ethmix (recipe), 288
Southern Japanese Miso and Sweet Potato
Soup (recipe), 131
south lawn kitchen garden at Nonsuch
Cottage, 4
South Pacifi c, 192
Southwest Swiss Chard and Bean Soup
(recipe), 118–19
Spaghetti with Mustard Greens and
Vegetarian Italian Sausage (recipe),
speed of life, 9
Spicy Roasted Sweet Potato Wedges
(recipe), 251
Spicy Tomato Juice, Braised Fennel in
(recipe), 152
Spicy Twist, Collards with a (recipe), 130
spinach (Spinacea oleracea), 232–35,
Crustless Spinach Ricotta Quiche
(recipe), 234
Leek, Bean, and Spinach Soup (recipe),
Spinach Sauté on Rice (recipe), 234–35

Spinach-Stuffed Red Bell Peppers
(recipe), 215
Szechwan Spinach (recipe), 235
spring mix (mesclun) lettuce, 176, 180
spring raab (broccoli raab), 42, 92
Spring Vegetable Sauté (recipe), 223
squash, summer (Cucurbita pepo), 236–39,
Baby Squash Sauté (recipe), 238
Frittata Primavera (recipe), 238
Steamed Pattypan (recipe), 239
Zucchini Fritters (recipe), 239
squash, winter (Cucurbita maxima, C.
moschata), 34, 240–43, 241
basic preparation, 242
Butternut Squash Baked with Tamari
(recipe), 242
Butternut Squash Ginger Cheesecake
(recipe), 242–43
microwaving , 52
St. Augustine grass, 296
St. David’s Day (March 1), 168
starch additions caution, 54, 56
starches and grains, 292–94
“starts” and seed germination, 1, 18, 24,
28–31, 29–31, 59
Steamed and Broiled Fennel (recipe),
Steamed Baby Bok Choy (recipe), 90
Steamed Broccoli (recipe), 94
Steamed Chilled Asparagus (recipe), 78
Steamed Collards (recipe), 130
Steamed Kale (recipe), 162
Steamed Leeks and Potatoes (recipe),
Steamed Mature Bok Choy (recipe), 90
Steamed Mustard Greens (recipe), 186
Steamed Pattypan (recipe), 239
Steamed Swiss Chard (recipe), 118
steaming, 47, 50–51, 51
steer manure, 23
sterilizing garden soil, 30
Brunswick Stew (recipe), 146
Scottish Irish Vegetable Stew (recipe),
Stir Fried Bok Choy (recipe), 90–91
Stir-Fried Mixed Greens (recipe), 195
stir-frying, 55–56
Stock, Vegetable (recipe), 288
stocks (vegetable), 50, 53, 56, 288
strawberry (Fragaria vesca, F. virginiana),
27, 244–47, 245
Molded Rhubarb Strawberry Dessert
(recipe), 227
Strawberry Banana Fruit Leather
(recipe), 247

INDEX • 313
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