Growing at the Speed of Life - A Year in the Life of My First Kitchen Garden

(Michael S) #1
you can expect to harvest. This can guide you in setting out subsequent
Height: Tall plants can partly shade smaller plants, so if the lower plants need full
sun, be careful about the positioning, On the other hand, a plant requiring
partly shady conditions may do well with a tall companion.
Humus : decomposed plant material (compost) added to clay soil to help bond­
ing and to help sandy soil retain water.
Intercropping: sowing or planting fast-growing plants between slow-growing
plants (for example, mâche and radishes with peppers and tomatoes); also
deep-rooted plants alongside shallow-rooted ones.
Lime: used to lower the acidity of soil that is too acid (7 pH upward); it is a
calcium compound.
Loam: medium texture with good organic matter that includes no silt, clay, or
stones; retains moisture.
Lodge: when a long-stemmed plant (like onions or garlic) is bent over toward
the ground; helps provide extra growth to the bulb.
Mildew: caused by various fungi; manifests as a white discoloration.
Mulch: a layer of usually organic material added around plants to control weeds,
retain moisture, and protect from heat and pests.
Nitrogen (N): stimulates leaf growth and stems; found in bloodmeal, guano
(bird/bat droppings), hoof and horn meal, soybean meal, and cottonseed
Organic: substances obtained from natural sources; soil developed without man­
ufactured chemicals.
Perennial: a plant can survive for three or more seasons.
Pests and diseases: only a few are mentioned; for a fuller discussion, see the re­
source at the back of the book.
pH: scale of acidity or alkalinity of soil; plants can be particular.
Phosphorus (P): provides cell division and tissue development; good sources are
mushroom compost, rock phosphate, and bonemeal.
Planting : how deeply to plant the seed and at what time; how much space to give
the germinated seed so that it can attain its proper size without crowding.


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