Growing at the Speed of Life - A Year in the Life of My First Kitchen Garden

(Michael S) #1


Height: 3 6–4 0 "

Width: 62 –7 2 "

Depth: 48"+

Wat e r : Moist
Sun : Full (8 hours minimum)
Companion Planting :
pro: Asparagus, cabbage family
con: Pole beans, cucumbers, tomatoes
Pests : Aphids, plume moths, slugs, snails
Diseases : Crown fungus rot
Soil: Bloodmeal and compost before planting out
Fertilizer: Spring/autumn with Microbesoft or fi sh
emulsion every 14 days
pH: 6.0–6.8
Varieties : Green Globe (second season), Imperial Star
(180 days from seed in fi rst year)

Zones : 8–9
Planting : ¼-inch deep indoors, 10 weeks before last
frost; transplant to 6 inches apart, then thin to 4 inches
apart at 6–8 weeks. Won’t flower in first year; aft er sum­
mer harvest, prune back to 12 inches for second crop in
Germinate: 10–14 days
Blooms : Mid-autumn (if not harvested)
Harvest: Summer; 150–180 days from seed, 50–100
days from suckers (offshoots or divisions)
Rotation: Don’t follow sunfl owers
Edible: Soft part of leaves and heart

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