Growing at the Speed of Life - A Year in the Life of My First Kitchen Garden

(Michael S) #1
Height: pole, 8–1 5 ' ;
bush, 10 – 2 4"

Width: pole, 8–1 2 " ;
bush, 6–8"

Depth: 3 6–48"; shallow
but wide spreading


Wat e r : Light; more after blooms but try to keep the
foliage dry to avoid disease
Sun : Full
Companion Planting :
pro: Bush/pole beans, carrots, celery, chard
con: Beets, cabbage, onions
Pests : Aphids, bean leaf beetles, cabbage loopers, slugs,
whitefl ies
Diseases : Anthracnose, blight, mildew, crown rot
Soil: Humus-rich, loose, well-drained; add nitrogen­
fixing bacteria in new garden
Fertilizer: Low nitrogen, moderate phosphorus,
pH: 6.0–6.8

Varieties :
in the pod: Blue Lake (bushy pole), Venture (extra
early bush)
horticultural/shell: Borlotti (red/cream),
Great Northern White, King of the Garden (lima), fava
Zones : 3–11
Planting : Spring, seed 1-inch deep when soil is 65ºF
and above, from then on every 10 days; also in fall for a
winter crop
Germinate: 4–10 days
Blooms : Summer
Harvest: Bush variety, 45–60 days; pole variety, 60–85
Rotation: Alternate with leafy greens like chard; leave
bed for 3 years before reseeding with beans
Edible: Seeds and, in some cases, pods

BEANS • 81
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