Lufeng – Chuxiong – 83 km
The stretch of road between Lufeng and Chuxiong offered gorgeous scenery. While the
way was poor, the day was enjoyable as our path followed a narrow and deep river
gorge. The many narrow, dark tunnels made it tricky riding in the company of trucks
and traffic. However, budget accommodation was discovered in the city centre near food
shops. Afterwards, Ernest returned from the market with a large bag of food, including
rice and four vegetables, all at a reasonable price.
Chuxiong turned out a fascinating place. Being the Yi Autonomous region's capital, the
town was home to Yi Ren Gu Zhen (an Ancient Town of the Yi People). The Yi is one of
China's 55 ethnic minorities. But by then, practically all the villages biked through
resembled ancient towns with low, tiled-roof houses and narrow, cobbled streets.