Dali – Songgui – 99 km
The day started with a comfortable flat and tailwind-assisted cycle along the lake,
followed by a 15-kilometre, scenic, winding uphill ride. Luckily, the route was in
fair condition. The landscape was magnificent and offered vistas into deep valleys
below. A few snowy peaks were spotted further north and I was thankful for the
warm clothes purchased.
To our surprise, a 12-kilometre descent led us into Songgui, which offered all the
necessary facilities. A brand-new hotel with modern fittings, snow-white bedding
and towels, at a remarkably reasonable price, sealed an enjoyable day of riding.
By evening, our nightly adventure to locate something to eat was fun as it was
always surprising what would be discovered. The typical street-side restaurants
had ingredients on display from which one could choose. The chosen ingredients
were then cooked in a wok and usually served on a bed of rice or noodles.
Songgui – Lijiang – 74 km
The weather was perfect, sunny, and with a mild tailwind, all conditions which
helped ensure a pleasurable cycle. The vistas were outstanding as we biked up
and down hills through traditional settlements. (Darn, those hills were sharp!).
Lunch consisted of rice accompanied by a side serving of beans and cabbage, all
fried in a wok. Then, with full bellies, we proceeded up the pass, reaching the old
Lijiang in good time where digs were found in this ancient city's narrow,
cobblestoned streets.