Mountain Camp – Lugu Lake – 21 km
The sun never rose over the surrounding mountains and it was, therefore, past 11h00
before we got going. The pass continued for six more kilometres before peaking at
3,350 metres. There was no mistaking the top for all the prayer flags and the excellent
views of the long-awaited lake, the land of the Mosuo people. The sight of the bright
blue lake surrounded by mountains and tiny settlements was worth each slippery stone.
I was more than happy to see the downhill, cobblestones and all. The narrow, wet, stony
path was tricky, and I feared slipping off the edge and disappearing into the gorge.
The border between the province of Yunnan and Sichuan ran through the middle of the
lake, signalling the end of our ride through Yunnan.
Luoshui was the first community along the lake and we took a room as I understood
shops and guesthouses could give a cash advance on a bank card. Nevertheless, if
understood correctly, the phone line was off and I was to try in the morning, a
significant risk but our only option.