
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1
Your enemy can’t be having any of that, now, can he?

So don’t be surprised when he starts coming after your
kids. And don’t think it’s all because they’re being headstrong
or peer dependent or careless or lazy. Satan knows the parts of
their character—both their strengths and their weaknesses—
where he can worm in and try stunting their growth, their
potential, and their confidence.

One of my sons, for example, has always been prone toward
fear and anxiety. Ever since he was a small child, he’s shown a
noticeable bent toward this kind of emotional response to
external stimuli. Knowing this—spotting this—I’ve been very
specific in praying for him, out loud over him, even when he
was just a baby. I’ve routinely asked the Holy Spirit to instill
courage within him, to be a wall of protection against the
enemy’s attempts to exploit my son in this sensitive area.

Three or four years ago, night after night, he started seeing
something he described as a man in his room. It couldn’t really
be a man in there, of course. The outside doors and windows
were locked. Nobody was getting inside. Part of me wanted to
write it off as nothing, tell him to go back to sleep and not
worry about it. But he was able to tell me in rather striking

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