
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

Call to Prayer

If for some reason you’ve only been skimming through
these early chapters so far, not really stopping to turn to the
pages in the back of the book and formulate your own
strategies for praying against Satan’s attacks on your passion,
your focus, your identity, I hope this will be the place where
you really do take time to pull off to the side, break away from
just trying to finish another book that you started, and spend
some concentrated effort in crafting specific, strategic,
personalized prayer approaches for your family. Person by
person. Name by name. The stakes are simply too high not to
do it.

I think we’ve all resorted at one time or another to the roll-
call system for covering our family in prayer. Lord, bless my
husband; Lord, bless my kids; be with my aunt and uncle in
Ohio; be with my dad and his knee replacement rehab; be with
my brother who’s looking for work. Quick. Easy. Over and
done. Better than totally ignoring them perhaps, but hardly a
satisfying confidence that you’re going all out, participating
mightily with God in their future, their provision, or their

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