
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

And then, almost like a short whoosh of wind... the sign
was gone. We were past it.

And at that precise moment, I sensed the voice of God
speaking so clearly to me, saying: Priscilla, wipe your tears
away. That road is behind you now. I have other roads in store
for you in the future, roads I’ve been preparing for you. Just as
you’ve passed this exit of shame, so you now are beyond the
pain that accompanied it. I make all things new.

All things... new.

I turned clear around, looked out the rear windshield, and
watched that exit sign fade into the distance.

Suddenly, the lilt of my new friends’ voices bubbled back to
the surface of my conscious hearing, and a fresh, rejuvenating
smile strengthened my trembling lower lip. I looked ahead and,
for the first time in my life, I saw what Houston looked like
beyond that exit on 59 North, a stretch of road I’d never
traveled before. And I saw a side of God’s grace that I’d never,
ever experienced. The past was in the past. It didn’t have
permission to touch me anymore. And just like on the freeway,

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