
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

And faith is what allows you to step foot on the soil of your

Hear me out, and hear me good. I’m about to write a long,
run-on sentence, but I want you hanging on every word: If God
has given you clear direction, like He gave the children of Israel
(or like He’s given to my friend Shawna)—direction that’s
confirmed by His written Word and by the sounding board of
wise, godly counsel—and your only real reason for resisting
Him is because you’re afraid of what following Him down this
path might mean or cost or entail, then you’re not only on the
threshold of being disobedient, you’re about to miss an
opportunity to give God some fresh, new glory by doing what
He’s wanting to do through you, which is the true impetus
behind His invitation for you to join Him on this scary
adventure in the first place.

In fervent prayer, we discover something: Our God is
fearless. And because He is fearless, we can be fearless too.
When His presence is with us and going before us, no Red Sea
should faze us or give us pause.

So despite your hesitation, say yes.
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