
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

Call to Prayer

God wouldn’t tell us not to be afraid—or tell it to us so
often—if He didn’t fully realize that fear, worry, anxiety,
queasiness, cold feet, sweaty palms, dry mouth, and racing
heartbeats are our first, natural reaction to some of the
challenges of following Him, especially those (like most) that
don’t come with clear, step-by-step instructions on how to
handle every possible hiccup or contingency.

The enemy, of course—aware of this—is always lurking
nearby, eager to animate and agitate those concerns of ours so
they keep us up at night and interfere with our ability to think
clearly. He even goes a step further, stamping a spirit of fear on
the very things He knows are God’s best options for us. But
God is always there as well—far outranking him in strength—
to hear our troubled prayers, reaffirm His fearless promises, and
deliver the next bit of lamplight we need for walking steadily in
His direction.

Prayer is the difference maker. An invitation for honesty,
yes, for telling him how you feel—infused with the assurance
and fearless confidence that comes from God’s promises.

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