
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

that’s always sitting nearby... always flipped over on its top,
the bottom of the hull pointing upward.

The reason the owners leave it upended like that is so the
water it collects during even a short swim in the pond will drain
out afterward and not rust the metal. But every time one of the
boys suggests we drag the boat in, we’re extremely careful (or
at least I am) when turning it over from its resting place on the
grass, in case any wildlife has wandered underneath and made
itself at home. Frogs, lizards, turtles, snakes. We’ve seen them
all. The damp, cool, shady environment beneath the overturned
rowboat is a perfect place for bad company to come hang out.

Now listen, these critters don’t need a personal invitation to
come be a part of our day. No need for that. Leaving that boat
upside-down creates the right environment, and that is
invitation enough.

The same thing is equally true for our lives. Impure living,
impure thinking, impure relationships, impure affections—
upside-down living—creates the perfect environment and
breeding ground for demonic activity. It invites him in and then
fosters the perfect place for his turmoil and trouble to thrive.
Unrighteousness disrupts our peace. It scares away any

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