
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

lasting sense of rest and contentment. It spoils what could
otherwise be enjoyable. It complicates experiences that were
meant to be nothing but pleasures and blessings. We can’t
knowingly create this kind of an environment—the kind that
invites the devil to make himself at home—and then blame God
for whatever sense of distance we may feel from Him. We must
choose righteous, right-side-up living, while committing to
pray fervently and consistently that we’ll recognize the ploys
of the enemy the moment they come into view.

Because not only does our prayer deflect the enemy, but
our purity deflects the enemy.

God calls you to purity because He wants your heart
protected and at rest, inhospitable to the devil and his
intentions. God wants you full of power and confidence and
spiritual vitality. He wants you free to bless and encourage
others, to receive and celebrate His goodness, to become such
a stick-of-dynamite prayer warrior that Satan just hates hearing
your coffeepot heat up in the morning.

How’d you like to start experiencing those kinds of
consequences? Not the ones that leave you feeling disgusted

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