
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

Call to Prayer

God is inviting you right now to realms of glory. To wide-
open spaces of genuine freedom and possibility. To scenes
where victory can become, no kidding, an everyday
occurrence. You’ll think you’re just sitting in whatever little
place you call your prayer closet, but you’ll actually be in a
whole new world where He is King and where even your
nastiest individual sins are utterly subject to His power.

Now here’s the place you want to be.

The kind of place a girl like you and me could really settle
down and be at home.

So grab a pencil, get comfortable, and write them down.
Your struggles, I mean. Name them specifically, individually.
Call them out from hiding. Unmask them and make them show
their faces. Because when you come to these Scriptures I’ve
printed out, you’re going to find some phrases of truth in there
that, while you probably know them, perhaps you haven’t
been praying them in connection with specific areas of
temptation in your life—Scriptures that authorize you to throw
off the chains of slavery to sin and put on the breastplate of

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