
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1
Forgive and comfort.

Obedience in everything.

Outwitted by Satan.

Ignorant of his designs.

This simple passage struck me. Hit me with a deep, inner
conviction that only God’s Spirit can give. I realized in that
moment what I’m about to share with you now in this chapter, a
truth that reinvigorated my prayer life and set me back on track.
It’s this: Unforgiveness is a strategic “design,” craftily
implemented by your enemy to “outwit” you, to cripple your
effectiveness in prayer and your power to stand against him
victoriously. Which is why, if I were your enemy, I would do
everything possible to keep you from forgiving anyone and
everyone who’s done you any wrong.

Such was the case with me. And these verses had brought
all the specifics roaring back to my attention.

The offender in question (and there was no question in my
mind who it was) hadn’t done anything particularly brutal to
me, nothing that would alter the whole trajectory of my life or

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