
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

anything. But it was enough to drive a wedge between the two
of us and dig a tender spot in my heart.

After years of work and prayer and patience and sacrifice, a
few exciting things were beginning to materialize in my
personal life and ministry, the kinds of things that make you
smile right before you fall asleep at night and then again first
thing in the morning. I’d shared some of these happenings with
a few close friends who I thought would celebrate with me, but
this one person’s response had been... not rude perhaps, but
critical. Far less than supportive and enthusiastic. And then as
days, weeks, and months went on, she’d grown rather
reclusive and quiet toward me. Distant and disengaged.

I thought maybe I was being a bit overly sensitive. But a
few other people had begun to notice it too, without my
needing to bring it to their attention. Even they were unnerved
by the cold shoulder she was throwing me. So I guessed it
really was as obvious as I’d thought. Wasn’t all in my head.
And none of us could understand exactly what her problem

I actually thought I was handling it the best way I knew
how—mostly by trying my best to be where she wasn’t, as

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