
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

Call to Prayer

God’s Word is what you and I are going to be taking into
our prayer strategy—a strategy that, yes, possibly holds the
potential of benefitting your offender. And yet it absolutely
ensures a benefit for you.


“It was for freedom that Christ set us free” (Gal. 5:1). I’ve
quoted this verse before in the book, but it’s worth repeating
often, in all kinds of contexts. So why don’t you underline it
this time so I won’t need to say it again. This verse has
followed me around through life from my teenage and college
years till now, and it has formed sort of an immovable object
that Satan is forever forced to work around to get to my heart.
Here, just one more time for good measure... “It was for
freedom that Christ set us free,” the Bible says. For freedom. He
wants us free.

Think back to everything you know about Jesus and the
many demonstrations of His love toward the hurting and
mistreated—to the point of being mistreated Himself, again and
again, up to and including His brutal torture and murder. Why?

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