
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

disharmony in our relationships and to battle for oneness
among ourselves and all of God’s people. We owe it to the Lord
and we owe it to one another. The gospel we share in common
is meant to continue to be shared together, both the giving and
receiving of grace, inspiring each of us to pure living and
spiritual fervency so the gospel can shine outward to others
through our loving, enriching relationships.

Together, we are a mighty force. Satan knows that.

And by remaining united, we let him feel that.

The grand purposes of Christian living travel far beyond
our own personal battles and border wars. The enemy knows
full well that our one little candle, even if carefully, consistently
trimmed and manicured—even if we’re sure we’re right and
other people are wrong—can only produce so much heat and
can only cause him so much mischief. But when we expand our
prayer closets to include prayers for our circle of relationships
and the shared community in our churches, suddenly we’ve
unharnessed a live wire within his control center, shooting off
sparks, fishtailing along the floor, causing alarms to blare
throughout his headquarters.

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