
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

our destiny (Col. 3:15). The peace of God is what helps us
navigate the will of God.

Strike two. Another thing the enemy doesn’t like.

This is now officially getting worse for him. Getting bigger.
Growing new body parts and appendages. On the verge of
getting out of hand, out of control.

Here, then, is why he digs in so hard in trying to separate
friends and churches. It’s all a desperate attempt to avoid strike
three. You see, peace with God is individual. Personal. The
peace of God—same thing. It’s about you, no one else. But
peace with others? Now we’ve got witnesses. Now we’re
moving in a pack. We’ve got the strength of numbers. And that
makes us more of a problem to him than ever.

The magnet that draws other people out of darkness toward
the light and hope of Jesus Christ is so often not the A-B-C
evangelism presentation they hear but the one they see—the
recognizable change and difference in people who claim to be
at peace with God themselves. Friends who forgive, sisters in
Christ whose relationship is an inspiration, husbands and
wives who clearly love each other with a passionate sense of

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