
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

And if I were your enemy, that’s exactly what I’d want. I’d
want to make you devalue the most potent weapons in your
arsenal. I’d strategize against you, using carefully calculated
methods to disorient and defeat you.

In fact, this approach makes so much devilish sense that it’s
exactly what the devil does do—to you, in real life—all under
the umbrella of deception. He comes at you to... well, don’t
just listen to me; hear it from the loud voices who responded
when I polled a large cross section of women, asking them to
tell me the primary ways the enemy attacks them. After boiling
down all their answers into the most common categories of
responses, I ended up with what I believe to be a top ten of his
favorite strategies. Here’s where he seems to direct them
against you the hardest:

Strategy 1—Against Your Passion

He seeks to dim your whole desire for prayer,

dull your interest in spiritual things, and

downplay the potency of your most strategic

weapons (Eph. 6:10–20).

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