
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

My grandmother, Annie Eleen Cannings—the woman to
whom I’ve dedicated this book—has gone to war for me. On
her knees. In prayer.

Fervent prayer.

And I’ve decided I want to follow her there.

So with my grandmother’s keen instructions in tow, and
with the truth of God’s Word as my anchor on ultimate truth
and reality, I’ve started the well-worn, proven discipline of
writing down my prayers. I began by considering my most
pressing dilemmas—the ones raging in my own heart, my
family, my finances, my health, my ministry—and then started
writing down my own battle plans for dealing with them, based
on the truths of Scripture. I resolved to stop using physical
means to fight battles that require spiritual remedies, using
instead the power of prayer to do what it’s always been
designed to do.

I’m certainly not perfect at it, but I’m trying to grow.

They’re posted in my closet now. My prayers, I mean.
Seriously. Some are on full sheets of lined paper. Others are on
little slivers of computer paper, ripped away after only a

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