
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

Into Prayer

Couple of things to mention here, though, before we start to
develop some intentional strategies of devil-busting prayer,
designed to counteract his specific strategies against us.
Whenever the conversation of demonic activity comes up in a
book like this, most people scatter to one of two extremes.
Either they overestimate Satan’s influence and power, living
with an inflated, erroneous perspective of his abilities. Or they
underestimate him. They don’t assign him any credit at all for
the difficulties he’s stirring up beneath the surface of their
lives. One extreme leaves you saddled with undue fear and
anxiety; the other just makes you stupid—(too blunt to say it
like that? sorry)—unaware and completely open to every
single attack.

Which of these categories do you fall into or lean toward?

Let’s be clear, no matter which way you gravitate, Satan is
not God. And he is not God’s counterpart or peer. They’re not
even on the same playing field. His influence, authority, and
power don’t even touch the fringe of what our Lord is capable
of doing. Read ahead to Revelation 19 and 20 sometime, the so-

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