
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

plasters your knees to that floor. And digs in for dear life. It’s
your oomph. Your hutzpah. Your cutting edge.

Passion is what pushes the athlete to run one more lap, to
crunch through one more set of reps. It’s what silences those
screaming thigh and stomach muscles, making them do what
their owner demands of them, no matter how loudly they
complain. Passion is what keeps a piano player anchored to the
practice bench when no one else is around to notice the effort
or give a pat on the back for approval. Passion is what inspires
the eager young employee to outperform expectations, instead
of just punching the clock to earn a paycheck like everybody
else. Passion is what burns up the road between a child in
danger and a parent in pursuit. It glows red-hot. And goes on
driving. And grows even larger, the larger the obstacles

Passion is the fuel in the engine of your purpose. It’s your
“want-to.” It’s what keeps you going when mundane tasks
bore you or difficult ones dissuade you. Passion is what keeps
you moving in the direction your best intentions want you to

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