
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

That’s why, if I were your enemy, I’d make stealing your
passion one of my primary goals. Because I know if I could dim
your passion, I could significantly lower your resistance to
temptation and discouragement. I could make you walk with a
spiritual limp and lengthen how long it takes you to recover
from the injury. If I could chip away at your zeal, at your hope,
at your belief in God and what He can do, I could chisel down
your faith to a whimper. Make you want to quit. And never try
again. I’d cup an ear in your direction, hear nothing in your
voice that sounds like anything but token prayer, and snicker
at my success. Chalk another one up to my “Passion
Elimination Plan”—the one with your name on it.

That’s what I’d do. If I were your enemy.

I’d weaken your passion, your cutting edge—knowing full
well that weak, impotent prayers (or better yet, prayerlessness)
would follow right behind.

So take a long, hard, deep look at yourself and answer this
question: Have you lost your passion? Has you get-up-and-go
simply gotten-up-and-gone?

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