
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

Against you. On purpose. An assault launched with pinpoint
planning and detail.

I mean, think about it. Doesn’t it fit the profile?

Satan is a full-time accuser. He does it “day and night,” the
Bible says (Rev. 12:10). Instead of convicting you for the
purpose of restoration, as God’s Spirit does, he condemns you
for the purpose of destroying, humiliating.

This pattern, by the way, is classic proof of the enemy’s
influence. Watch for it, and note his fingerprints.
Condemnation always leads to guilt-laden discouragement,
while conviction—though often painful in pointing out our
wrongdoing—still somehow encourages and lifts us, giving us
hope to rebuild on. The first makes you focus on yourself; the
other points you to the grace and empowering mercy of Christ.
To hear the devil tell it, these weaknesses of yours are reason
for nothing but wretched despair; yet God says those same
weaknesses are reason for your purest worship and gratitude.
Your need for God’s grace is supposed to be a passion
enhancer. That’s the opposite of what takes place, however, as
soon as you start believing the enemy’s accusations. He’ll

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