
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

make you think God doesn’t hear your prayers or respond to
them—why?—because of you.

How typical. Because Satan, in addition to being an
accuser, is also a confirmed liar. No... worse. He’s the “father
of lies” (John 8:44). The granddaddy of all untruth. Deception
is the overarching umbrella that encompasses all His plans and

He warps your perspective on the current events in your
life until reality appears much worse and more desperate than it
truly is. I’m not saying your situation is not legitimately bad;
perhaps it is painful beyond description. But through his lying
eyes, any passion for perseverance seems like a silly,
sentimental waste of time. And yet he has the gall to insinuate
that God is the one who lies to you, that any delay in the
Lord’s visible response to your prayer is open-and-shut
evidence that He doesn’t really hear you like He says. Or if He
does, He apparently doesn’t mind seeing you writhe in
discomfort while you wait on His own sweet timing.

Such biting accusations against you, against God.

Such bitter lies about what’s really taking place.
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