
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

Those are just some of the ways he tries to eat away at your
passion. Not overtly and conspicuously. He’s much too crafty
for that. But cunningly. Slowly. Incrementally. Over time.

And sometimes he gets us. We don’t recognize it’s him at
first, working behind the scenes. We think the reason we’ve
stopped praying is because—oh, “we just don’t feel like it
anymore.” And sure—maybe, maybe, that’s the way it really is.
But possibly, possibly, this lack of feeling is a clue that the
enemy’s strategy has begun to take effect. He’s worked you
down enough until you can’t seem to muster up the will to
fight back, to keep believing for and praying about...

Your marriage... still hopelessly tense and broken.

Your child... still rebelling against all sound logic.

Your money... still not enough to feel like enough.

Your health... still as chronic or scary as ever.

Your addictions... still defeating you way too often.

You just can’t seem to bring these up to God anymore
because there doesn’t seem to be any spiritual fire burning

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