
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

from the murky riverbed and bobbed up to the surface as if it
were nothing but a floating chunk of driftwood. There it was!
His cutting edge was back! Divinely recovered. Elisha’s
servant had understandably been convinced there was no
hope of ever seeing it again. And there wouldn’t have been...
except that he went to Elisha. God, through the prophet,
stepped in and made it reappear. If the ax head had just
dropped onto the ground, anybody who saw where it went—
including the man himself—could’ve picked it up and salvaged
it. Instead it was deep in the river. Only a miracle could get it

Just like you might need a miracle to get yours back, too, if
it’s sunk to the bottom—like everyone’s passion for prayer has
done at one time or another.

Listen to me. Nothing—nothing!—is too far gone that your
God cannot resurrect it. Even your cutting edge. So go to Him
to get it back. Don’t try to regain it yourself. Don’t set your
hopes on other people or circumstances to fuse it back into the
fiber of your being. Trust it into God’s care. Only His
miraculous work can make it bubble back up to the surface
where it belongs. And He is more than willing to do it.

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