
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

Call to Prayer

So here we go. Before we tackle and craft prayer strategies
for the nine other topics in this book, the seminal matter of
getting and maintaining our cutting edge so that we even want
to pray again is foundational.

But when we talk about passion in prayer, I sure don’t want
to leave the impression that the only prayer God hears is the
kind that’s spoken at high volume, with sweat and tears and
shaking fists and extraordinary energy. Prayer can be silent and
still seethe with passion. And on some days, at some times,
prayer—for any of us—can start out as simply an obedient
appointment, an act of discipline, showing up in that prayer
closet because it’s the appointed time that we said we’d be

Because praying—reaching outward and upward to Him—
is the way His passion comes down. Even prayers that begin
with the blunt edge of willpower, dragging your heart along
kicking and screaming, can soon begin to shine with the
cutting edge of hope, faith, and passionate confidence in
Christ. Once the wind of God’s Spirit starts blowing, you’re no
longer praying rote, innocuous prayers. Instead, you’re

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