
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1
He will come to us like the rain, like the spring rain
watering the earth. (Hos. 6:3)

How does a person receive rain? Not by prying it loose
from the sky but just by watching it fall, by standing in the
downpour, by thanking Him for opening up the floodgates and
sending what He knows we need and can’t get for ourselves,
yet what He so faithfully, regularly, and graciously gives.

Let’s get going, then... with just these few little verses to
get you started. Grab a pen, flip to the pages for prayer in the
back of this book, and write your own prayer strategy for
passion—a prayer for God to help you maintain it (if it’s good)
or regain it (if it’s gone). Make it part Praise, part Repentance,
part Asking, and a whole lot of Yes.

But don’t just read the words you’ve crafted. Pray them.
No matter if your writing is short, long, or somewhere in
between, pray it as the steady, fervent desire of your will, in
anticipation of seeing it become the burning desire of your
heart. Because it’s not just another do-better in your list of
New Year’s resolutions. It’s a prayer strategy.

And that’s what makes it work.
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