
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1
Because our focus is all off.

And that’s exactly what your real enemy is counting on.

The real enemy isn’t your husband. Or your teenager. Or
your brother’s wife. Or your mother-in-law. Or the weather. Or
the traffic. Or your sweet tooth. Or whatever powder keg of
frustration really gets under your skin and sets you off before
you can think straight.

The real enemy—the capital-E “Enemy”—

Well... you know who it is. And you simply cannot keep
letting him go unchecked while you throw money and anger
and logic and psychology at your problems in a vain attempt at
overcoming or outsmarting them. In order to live in victory, you
must call the enemy’s bluff, pull the curtain back, open up your
spiritual eyes, and remain continually aware of the one who’s
truly behind a lot of the stuff you’re always blaming on your
circumstances, your upbringing, your boyfriend, or whoever.
Even on yourself.

In prayer you can do it differently. You can maintain this
level of focus. Because prayer, perhaps more than anything, is
meant to be an eye-opening experience.

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