
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

Call to Prayer

Some of the Scriptures I’m about to share with you are the
kind that help rip down the veil of secrecy between the
physical world and the spiritual world. They’re almost like 3-D
glasses that you wear into a movie theater to help you see the
film the way it’s been created. Without the special lenses
everything looks fuzzy and out of focus. Flat. Distorted. You
think you sort of see it but not really—because the naked eye
is not able to process the visual information of a 3-D movie and
put it together in a usable form in our brains. It’s all just blurry.
A headache. But when you slide those glasses on, you’ll see
what you were always intended to see. The whole world
suddenly comes alive. The villain is right there, in your face.
Can’t miss him. The texture and layering and perspective—
ahhh, so this is what it’s supposed to look like. This is how it
really is.

Once the unseen enemy is exposed and comes into clear
view, you can lift your focus away from the people, places, and
events that have always seemed like the main culprits of your
human dramas and stop wasting your energy on methods that
are ineffective and, honestly, flat-out exhausting. Instead, you
can lift your eyes to Jesus—who has always known who the

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