
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

days in agony because of a reality that wasn’t true, a grief that
they had no need to feel or experience.

It all boiled down to a case of mistaken identity.

The enemy wants you to suffer from a case of mistaken
identity. Makes his job a whole lot easier. And makes your
defenses a lot weaker. He’s working overtime to keep your
identity masked, to keep the truth from coming out—that you
are indeed alive and free and empowered by God’s own Spirit
to fight victoriously against him. He’d rather conspire to keep
you in a constant state of mourning, grieving over who you
wish you were, instead of relishing who you really are,
exacerbated by insecurity and crippled by self-doubt.

That’s why he doesn’t want you praying—not fervently—
because fervent prayer keeps your true identity in focus.
Reminds us of who we really are and taps into the power we
really have in Christ.

This authentic identity is possibly quite a bit different from
the one you perceive when you look at yourself in the mirror
each day, or when you’re fidgeting through an awkward social
encounter, or when you’re sizing yourself up against the well-

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